Kitchen countertops, as the slogan describes, has and will have, a high return on investment. Whether you are remodeling so you can enjoy a more functional kitchen or updating to sell the house, changing the countertops will add a finishing touch and creating a more inviting kitchen.
Mogastone often hears this from realtors who recommend granite for resale purposes. “Many clients interested in purchasing a home seem to not pay as much attention to a listing if granite is not as one of the items included in the home” explained Maria, realtor from Cary.
“One of the first places people seem to look is the in the kitchen which seems to be the new family room so you want to pay attention when placing the home on the market”, she further explained. “Natural stones, like granite, remain the most popular choices in countertops because of their durable and require little or no maintenance.”
As the holidays approach, consider making a surprise to that special someone by updating your kitchen countertops with granite from Mogastone. We can have it installed in just 1 day!